
Time and the Other (2004)

Multimedia Installation
Prints, paintings, videos & texts

View of 'Sleep 1' at ACAF, Alexandria, 2006
'Sleep 1'. Inkjet print (110 x 130 cm)
'Sleep 2'. Inkjet print (110 x 220 cm)
'Sleep 3'. Inkjet print (110 x 220 cm)
'Diary of Sleep 1'. Inkjet print (21 x 120 cm)
View of 'Diary of Sleep 2'. at ACAF, Alexandria, 2006
'Diary of Sleep 1'. Inkjet print (21 x 160 cm)
View of 'Diary of Sleep 2 & 3' at ACAF, Alexandria, 2006
View of 'Diary of Sleep 3' at ACAF, Alexandria, 2006
'Diary of Sleep 3'. (21 x 200 cm)
View of 'Diary of Sleep 4' at ACAF, Alexandria, 2006
'Diary of Sleep 4'. (21 x 140 cm)
Still from the 7 min. film 'Sleep'

Time and the Other (2004)

Multimedia Installation
Prints, paintings, videos and texts by: Lamia Joreige

‘Embrace’  (video, 4′, no sound)
Camera: Pamela Ghanimé
With: Rania Rafei & Ghassan Salhab.

‘Sleep’ (7′, Super 8 transferred to video)
Original sound track: Charbel Haber

‘Time and the Other’ is the story of love and separation of a couple, viewed from the subjective angle of one of the lovers. That experience is expressed in the absence of the other. We never clearly see him, though he’s always there. His presence is obvious through his absence, through the traces left by his body.

‘Time and the Other’ includes three parts:
– ‘Embrace’ (7 inkjet prints from Super 8. films), texts and the 4’30” video .
– ‘Sleep’: 3 large inkjet prints from and a series of 4 prints & texts entitled  ‘Diary of Sleep’ (taken from Super 8. films), and a 7′ video .
– ‘Lost Chords’: 7 paintings based on photographs and texts.