
A Journey (2006)

Essay Film
41 min

A Journey (2006)

Essay Film
Video, 41 minutes
Written, directed and produced by Lamia Joreige
With the support of Ministère de la culture et de la communication – Centre national des arts plastiques, France.Camera and editing: Lamia Joreige
Sound editing and mixing: Rana Eid – Sudio Electra A.V.
– Gospels  by Discipline  (Those kids must choke rec)
– The second annual process of Discipline by Discipline
– Artefact records- Soulaima – Interpreted by Zakya Hamdane – Words by Nawfal Elias – Music by Khaled Abou NasrPhotographs from: Joreige Family and FAI (Arab Image Foundation) and An Nahar Research and Documentation Center and As Safir Archives
Super 8 films from: Kettaneh family.

‘A Journey’ follows my grand mother Tati Rose, as her personal story meets the collective History of the Middle East. Born in Jerusalem in 1910, she moved to Beirut in 1930 to get married. Her family, including her sister Aunt Marie, was forced into exile and left Yaffa in 1948 to take refuge in Lebanon.

Alternating documents, Super 8mm films, photographs, interviews, landscapes and voice over, I trigger a reflection on history and the conflicts in the region, as well as a reflection on time, disappearance and loss. From the Middle-East in the 30’s, when all the frontiers were open, to the occupation of Palestine, to the Lebanese civil war, during which Tati Rose son was kidnapped, until her suggested death, I interrogate both my mother and Tati Rose, raising questions about my own political choices, and revealing the complex relationship between three women of different generations.

Only fragments appear from Tati Rose’s fight against loss and death. The camera witnesses those moments in which Tati and her sister slowly loose track of reality. The images of her during the last weeks of her life are distant.